Women for a Healthy Environment (WHE) educates and empowers community members about environmental risks that impact public health and advocates for a better tomorrow for all. Through literature, online tools and campaigns, workshops, training programs and resource-rich conferences, WHE helps citizens make informed decisions; gain access to healthier strategies that improve places where people live, learn, work and play; advance policies that protect human health; and advocate for solutions that better protect our communities. WHE has increasingly been recognized as the “go to” source in western PA on environmental exposure, and has helped change people’s minds and behavior. Through WHE’s outreach over 13,000 people in the region have been directly educated about environmental hazards. WHE’s program areas are: Healthy Homes, Healthy Schools and early Learning Centers, and Healthy Communities. WHE believes that every place should be a healthy space.
We are so proud to partner with Women for a Healthy Environment this year! For more information about WHE, visit their website.
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