A power symbol made from leaves.

PA Households Can Make Simple Switch to Green Energy

By Karen Price


August 25, 2020

Using green energy to power a home may seem like a costly and complicated process, but for Pennsylvania residents it’s really as simple as a visit to PAPowerSwitch.com.

“I think it’s important for customers to know they have the option to purchase renewable energy right now,” said Sara Walker, clean energy advisor at Duquesne Light Company.

Customers in the state have the option of choosing from a number of different electricity suppliers through the PA Power Switch program, and approximately 30 percent of them have already taken advantage. 

In Allegheny and Beaver Counties, DLC distributes the electricity and maintains the poles, wires and other infrastructure needed to power homes no matter where the electricity comes from, but the company itself doesn’t generate power. Duquesne Light Company is the default supplier of electricity if a customer doesn’t select an alternative, but there are many options to choose from.

That power to choose a supplier, however, allows customers to put their dollars behind companies that align with their eco-friendly goals and lifestyles. By going to PAPowerSwitch.com, individuals can select their electricity supplier based on the criteria they value most. 

When customers go to the website, the first thing they’ll do is enter their home’s zip code. From there, they’ll find a tool-bar on the left side of the screen that allows them to narrow down their options. Under the Special Programs tab are options such as renewable energy, Pennsylvania wind energy, Pennsylvania renewable energy and solar energy. 

There are also other considerations customers should be aware of. Pricing structure is one, with the ability to select a fixed rate, a variable rate that can change daily or even hourly, or an unlimited rate. Different companies offer different contract terms, from three months to a year or longer. Some companies may have fees associated with enrollment and/or early cancellation and sometimes rates will change after the introductory offers end. Customers should always review a contract thoroughly and do proper research before making a selection. Those who aren’t satisfied with their choice can always return to their default supplier or switch again. 

The important thing, Walker stressed, is that everyone understands they have options when it comes to powering their homes with green energy, no matter who they are.

“Some customers don’t have the ability to install solar panels on their roof, but that doesn’t mean they can’t power their home with solar,” Walker said. “The ability to choose a supplier in Pennsylvania helps remove barriers for customers who may be renting an apartment or who otherwise aren’t able to install solar panels on their own. It’s another option out there for customers to supply their homes with renewable energy.”

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