Clean Archives - Pittsburgh Earth Day

ALCOSAN: Green by Mission, Green by Choice

What does a wastewater treatment facility have to do with Earth Day? Just about everything. The Allegheny County Sanitary Authority (ALCOSAN) provides services to 83 municipalities, and that means its plant on Pittsburgh’s North Side treats as much as 250 million gallons a day and returns it to the Ohio River. When that water splashed [...]

2017-03-27T17:08:38-04:00March 25th, 2017|news|0 Comments

Peoples: Natural Gas is a Cleaner Option

Fossil fuel combustion for energy usage emits a large amount of carbon dioxide, which contributes to global climate change. Two widely used fossil fuels are coal and oil, which are costly and dirty. However, natural gas is a fossil fuel that is environmentally friendly alternative to coal and oil. In fact, it is the cleanest [...]

2017-03-15T08:41:18-04:00March 15th, 2017|news|0 Comments

Port Authority: Reducing our Carbon Footprint

According to the Environmental Protection Agency, a typical passenger vehicle emits about 4.7 metric tons of carbon dioxide per year. This staggering number is a large contributor to our greenhouse gas emissions. Luckily, public transit services can help reduce congestion on the roads and mitigate our carbon dioxide emissions. Port Authority is Pittsburgh’s public transportation [...]

2017-03-05T15:51:44-05:00March 5th, 2017|news|0 Comments
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